Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Confessions of a Streetwalker

Guess what ladies,
I am a veteran of the world's oldest profession.

I walk the streets looking for goodies and I always get what I'm looking for!

I'm an addict and will take almost anything home.

But, I leave old underwear and old men alone!

Some say it's a "curse", but I just can't help it!

I will jump out my car and find treats on streets of nice neighborhoods.

Sometimes in high heels and leather, I prance up and down rows of stuff to find special goodies.
I solicit all to look out for me.
I proposition store clerks and managers, telling them to call me when something good comes in.
I offer my services, in return for fabric scraps, extra beads or whatever from the gigs that I do..

I pick up lots goodies by being in the right place at the right time.

Some say I'm an obsessed, but I really don't care, I get paid with praise and compliments for the things that I do.

I knit, paint, sew and even make jewelry, I'll try anything once, I'm always up for the challenge.

You name it, I have probably done it!
There's no shame to my game, I don't care what ya'll say!
YEAH, I'm a streetwalker and I going to
another yard sale today!

Check out the Streetwalker's Anthem

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