Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ladies, It is okay to fake it!

Many dollmakers like to design dolls with curly, straight or frizzly locks. Doll wigs and doll hair can be expensive and the choice of hair styles is limited.

So, Dollmakers...

Take a trip to the infamous dollar store, you know that place where one can find everything from size 42 ladies panties to 10 pounds of stale cookies for just a dollar!

These havens of cheap junk, also sell fake hair in a variety of colors and styles. I have experimented with making doll wigs with this stuff and it worked wonderfully.

Here's how

1. Cut desired length of hair.

2. Using a hot glue gun, secure a circle of short curls around the hairline of the doll's head, leaving the middle of doll's head bald.

3. Get a small child's or infant sock, the color should closely match the color of hair.

4. Cut off the foot of sock, it now looks like a cap and should be smaller than doll's head so that it will fit tightly.

5. Squeeze glue on the inside circle of the doll's head and pull cap over head, leaving the hair that was glued earlier exposed, that hair will be the bangs and side curls.

6. Now, glue desired amount of hair onto cap and comb into desired hair style.

7. To make a removable wig, do not glue cap to doll's head.

8. One bag of fake hair should provide you with several doll wigs.

Also for those crafty ladies who knit or crochet, there are many knitting and crochet patterns and stitches that can be used to design beautiful doll wigs.

With the wide variety of colors and textures of yarns available, imagine the possibilties!

Ladies, it's okay to fake it, just don't tell anyone!

* The dolls pictured all have yarn tresses, I think the black yarn
made beautiful dreadlocks.

Doggy Style

Want to try something different?


1. I can't knit another sweater.

2. I won't sew another quilt.

3. I hate scrapbooking.

Many times I hear craft freaks cry about not being able to get TURNED ON.

They have become bored with their regular projects and want to experiment with something different.

So, desperate crafters.......

How about designing clothes and other accessories for pets?

In these crazy times, pet owners are treating their furry friends more and more like people!

There are pet spas, salons and even gourmet pet food!
Fiber artists

Try sewing, knitting or crocheting pet sweathers, hats and booties, using wild colors and crazy patterns.

Jewelry Designers

Design pet collars using beads, leather, shells and other goodies to make something unusual.

Ladies, offer your creations at the next craft fair.

You'll probably be the only one with such items.

That should make you feel better!


* I think my handmade leather cuff bracelets might fit over the head of  pit bull!

                                    "Atomic Dog"
                           featuring George Clinton 

                                      BOW WOW WOW, YIPPEE YO, YIPPEE YAY

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Confessions of a Streetwalker

Guess what ladies,
I am a veteran of the world's oldest profession.

I walk the streets looking for goodies and I always get what I'm looking for!

I'm an addict and will take almost anything home.

But, I leave old underwear and old men alone!

Some say it's a "curse", but I just can't help it!

I will jump out my car and find treats on streets of nice neighborhoods.

Sometimes in high heels and leather, I prance up and down rows of stuff to find special goodies.
I solicit all to look out for me.
I proposition store clerks and managers, telling them to call me when something good comes in.
I offer my services, in return for fabric scraps, extra beads or whatever from the gigs that I do..

I pick up lots goodies by being in the right place at the right time.

Some say I'm an obsessed, but I really don't care, I get paid with praise and compliments for the things that I do.

I knit, paint, sew and even make jewelry, I'll try anything once, I'm always up for the challenge.

You name it, I have probably done it!
There's no shame to my game, I don't care what ya'll say!
YEAH, I'm a streetwalker and I going to
another yard sale today!

Check out the Streetwalker's Anthem