Friday, March 21, 2014

Kool Aid, bad the intestines, good for crafts!

   Today I found a very old half open packet of grape Kool Aid in my kitchen closet. I probably brought it at a weak moment at the supermarket, when my kids were young .

  Anyway, as I thought about which toxic dump I would take it to, some of it spilled on my favorite white cotton embroidered tablecloth, I quickly tried to rinse it and the %$#stuff would not come out!!! After a primal yell and calming down,  I thought, Mmmm.

    I when to my craft room/ married daughter's abandoned bedroom and pulled out a swatch of white cotton fabric and sprinkled the rest of the %$# stuff on it.

      At first the swatch was a mass of color that looked black purple but after a few rinses and a few drops of liquid dish detergent, the swatch became a nice pastel shade of purple. Needless to say, I began thinking of the possiblities in terms of crafting.

I plan to play around with using that %$# stuff for tie dying, painting fabric, yarn and other materials that absorb liquids.

WARNING: DO NOT take the kids to the supermarket with you and hide the $#% on a high shelf.

So, crafters, on the next visit to the supermarket check out some Kool Aid, it comes in all sorts of colors, OOPS, I mean flavors. You can get five packets for about a dollar, which is pretty cheap for an assortment of "dyes".